The Value of Connection
A Closer Look
Bridging the Digital Divide
AT&T has committed $5 billion by 2030 to narrow the digital divide and help 25 million people get and stay connected to affordable, high speed internet access.
To help people get connected AT&T is expanding our network, making our network more affordable, opening Connected Learning Centers across the country with free resources and working with public-private partnerships to close gaps around the country.
To help people stay connected AT&T is providing tools, solutions and training to help people navigate the online world. This includes working with nonprofit organizations to distribute laptops, providing digital literacy courses through collaborations with the Public Library Association, offering free educational online platforms such as The Achievery and deploying digital navigators to support community members with their digital skills.
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Corporate Responsibility acknowledges that our business is inextricably linked to the health of our communities and our planet. We have a moral duty to make a difference in our world, but we also have a vested interest as a company.
Charlene Lake Chief Sustainability Officer